Attention: Real Estate Agents

After Generating 50,000+ Leads On Facebook And Millions Of Dollars Of Commissions...

Here's what I have learned (Latest strategies for 2021)

How I Use A 4 Step Strategy To Generate Over 100 Leads Per Month For My Clients

And how you can copy this exact strategy to see similar results! 

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I will also cover the 7 growth killers that are keeping you from reaching your goals and how to overcome them. 

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✔️“We've generated 7 signed contracts (4 listings and 3 buyers) from the leads we generated on Facebook. Kevin's training has changed my career!”- Jesse Fisco

✔️ “In the last 2 weeks, I have used this to generate over 120 leads. I am totally blown away! I've paid for lots of marketing solutions during my real estate career, but I have never found anything better than what Kevin has taught me.”  - Cameron White

✔️ “It’s been going well so far. Been out with a Buyer last week and going to be listing my buddies house (from my first Facebook ad). He knew that I did real estate but didn’t know I was going full tilt again so that’s exciting. The ball is starting to roll. Thanks for all your help! ” - Clark Cannon

✔️ “I will make more money this month than I did all of last year! And a large part of that is thanks to you!” - Jessie Dixon

Here's A Bit About Kevin...

Kevin Smullin is the founder of 2Q Lead Generation Strategies, a marketing agency for real estate agents. He is a social media marketing expert and one of the leading experts on Facebook lead generation. 

Kevin started out as a real estate agent 20 years ago and was frustrated that the lead generation techniques he was taught didn't work.  He studied marketing techniques for 15 years and took what he learned and started teaching others. 

Kevin has personally trained thousands of real estate agents and he helps them generate leads, convert them to appointments, and market to their relationships. He was recently awarded as one of the top 25 real estate coaches in the US. 

Kevin lives in Cache County, Utah with his wife Wendy who also works with him, and his two kids, Kaleb and Mira. 

My Clients Are The Best In The Business

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